by ironshe | Jul 20, 2016 | Blog
By Michael Gallagher Spectrum Aeromed is based in the upper-Midwest region of the United States, but 80% of our customers are overseas. That means a large percentage of our high-end air medical equipment is carefully shipped internationally. The majority of our...
by ironshe | Jun 22, 2016 | Blog
By Matthew Christenson Customers often wonder if Spectrum Aeromed will handle the installation of the modular or base systems into their aircraft. While we do not perform the aircraft wiring or installation of the equipment, we do have a local fixed-base operator...
by ironshe | Jun 8, 2016 | Blog
We have an Infant Transport System Deck (ITS Deck) that will properly secure your incubator. The ITS Deck attaches to our base system in place of the patient stretcher. It is STC approved and part of the approved installation equipment. The ITS Deck has proper...
by ironshe | May 25, 2016 | Blog
By Matthew Christenson Spectrum Aeromed can provide medical equipment mounts to secure your medical devices safely in the aircraft. We have a few different options for medical device placement; like a MedWall, stretcher bridge, table, or cabinet. The medical equipment...
by ironshe | May 11, 2016 | Blog
By Matthew Christenson At Spectrum Aeromed we offer both an electric and manual patient loading system. Some customers use both systems for their aircraft. Depending on your aircraft and patient loading needs we will help to provide you with the best solution for your...